Saturday, January 23, 2010

Its winter.... we'll deal with it.

Hey guys & gals!!

Thanks for coming to Tickles blog. As for now, none of us have any big trips coming up so in the mean time the pictures of Tickles are just out and about during our normal week and weekend.

So we hope you enjoy the trips to the grocery store, a local bar or movie theatre and even some at home pictures. We promise in the next coming (warmer) months we should have some cool travel shots. Possibly from Graceland, Arches, Vegas, various parts of California and maybe.....just maybe Bora Bora. (Lucky tapeworm!)

If you have any ideas where we should take Tickles to, let us know! Or if you have a trip and want a traveling tapeworm with you, perhaps this could be arranged.


Tickles main carrriers (hosts)
Mary, Sunny & Chanda

PS: We hope you check the site daily and become one of Tickles "stalkers".


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